Conscious Tech

by Linda Andrews

The Exploration

I made an observation about myself about a decade ago, I was addicted to tech. I am in the generation that straddles tech and less tech, aka the Millenials. I noticed in my 20s, I was having an issue, it had gone to far. I could see how my thoughts would focus on different apps and what people thought. I started to unpack this.

Tech is powerful. It can do so much goodness in the world. We are also a part of what is now known as the attention economy. The more I started to understand, the more made sense. At the time when I was first exploring this, there wasn't much research available to the mainstream. The closest reading I could find was Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself: How to Lose Your Mind and Create a New One by Joe Dispenza.

Now What

We are in 2021, with powerful tech. How can you use this in a way that protects your wellbeing and helps you thrive?

1. Understand its powers. Yes, tech can be addicting, I am not even here to say that this is a bad thing. It is important to understand. Your devices are meant to maximize the moments on it, no matter what avenues and at what expenses, including with your life and business. Whatever site or app you are on has an aim. As a basic sensemaking exercise, try to guess what the aim is so you understand why they (tech co) want you on it. You can work with that information to make sure it works for you and aligns with your moment to moment goals and objectives.

2. The power of awareness. Start to notice how you relate to your tech. Where do you keep your phone, how do your wearables impact your day. Is it empowering you or disempowering you.

3. Get in and get out. One of my favorite tech mantras. Most apps and websites are to keep you on it. Yes, I sincerely thank you for still being here, I am certain our analytics are improving by the second. Get in, do what you need to do and get out. AKA finish this article.

4. Notice your relating to others. You may think you are the only person that your tech habits affect. Whether they are telling you or not, it affects your loved ones. Yes, every time you interrupt a conversation, or "multitask" you are having an impact on the other person sharing that time with you. It's ok, I offer this insight as an observation vs. a judgment, noticing, does my mindless scrolling while listening affect my partner? Am I making eye contact or on my device when I am talking to another person.

5. You wellbeing. How is tech affecting you and your quality of life? Is it impacting your ability to focus, to make genuine connection, are you using it as a tool to distract yourself from some more pressing matters life has for you to deal with today? Again, noticing and decide for yourself what you want its role to be (and that can change at any moment in time). For example, when I wear my wearable, I tend to feel anxious, and that I am not doing enough, and out of the natural rhythm of the day. I appreciate some other benefits, like heart rate monitoring and reminding me to breathe, but I notice it changes my state, so I choose not to use it. Some people love it, and it helps them stay on top of their. No right or wrong, rather what is right for you. Maybe tomorrow I will wear it, I can decide in any moment if it is working of not for me.

6. Sleep. Taking the phone out of the bedroom. I used to sleep with it under my pillow. I was addicted to the alerts. Now we have a charging station that our devices sleep at. If you live alone, or want to have it nearby, consider moving it as far away from your head as possible. Also, getting off the devices with enough time for your mind to start to wind down before sleep. Giving yourself at least an hour before bed, device free can make a positive change for sleep. Still working on this one.

7. Distraction + healing. A wise man, Michael Beckwith once said, healing is when you are free from distraction. For some reason this landed so deeply for me. When are we ever free from distraction? Is this even possible? I don't know, but worth exploring and finding out. I now notice this little distraction filter. I ask myself without judgment, is this a distraction. The answer is simple, yes or no, and with that info is the invitation for a new choice.

The invitation to change

I offer these insights as an invitation to the exploration of your relationship with tech. Are there changes you can make that would feel more empowering and supportive to your life? Which ones can you make right now? Which ones can you carry out this week?

If you want more conscious tech in your life, be sure to add Lila Life to your feed on Facebook and Instagram. Thanks for being your most conscious you!

