coaching for alignment & rapid transformation
are you receiving the value, and is it worth it
Life coaching and personal development can be subjective.
Some considerations and questions you can ask when hiring a coach:
Why do you want one?
What would make this a positive experience?
What does success look like?
What outcomes are you committed to?
Am I fully willing to take personal responsibility when working with a coach?
Is it more beneficial to have a coach or make the changes on your own?
These questions are beyond valuable and questions I continue to ask them myself when I hire professionals to support me in this capacity.
What do I love about coaching as a client?
I feel supported, I have a sounding board, I have someone who holds me accountable, I can’t hide from myself, I have space to process, I am able to make shifts and transform.
This is the ethos of Lila life and the way I work with my clients, and our coaches will work with our clients.
Beyond the practical aspects of coaching, the other aspects are about tuning in and understanding your gifts, why you are here on earth now, and to find the areas where you are out of alignment and integrity and help you to step towards and moment to this alignment. Sometimes this process has little to do with goals, or achievements, as they come naturally, as secondary impacts.
One of the major benefits that I see to coaching, is it holds a safe space, outside of constructs, conditioning, and society, for you to explore the essence of who you are as a human. To consider how this essence then fits in to the different roles and responsibilities that you have in your life, or to make the adjustments for you to fully thrive in alignment to this essence. Tuning in to your intuition is a part of this, and I fully recommend that when hiring a coach. It's about unlocking the parts of yourself that you have hidden, or have made yourself afraid of because of these constructs, conditioning and society. It allows you to experience the freedom that is deeply rooted within you and live fully from this space.
I realize that my role as a coach is so important, and the most important thing I can be doing in this world. To unlock people to fully live into their full potential and life. Me living 100% as me, and helping others to live 100% as them allows unity and fully potentiality to exist.
What does the world look like when each human, lives fully into their truest version of self? I can dare to dream of this, as I get the biggest smile every time I think about this. Be free fellow humans, and if you need some help, jump on a connect call with your favorite coach today. Life needs YOU! Fully aligned and thriving.