What Matters?
I have been sitting with this question since March, when the first word of my exposure to coronavirus came.
As a natural health advocate I have been watching the dysfunction of pharma, ag and healthcare amidst other systemic dysfunction for a while. When coronavirus hit, I thought “something sounds off.” Call it intuition or awareness, but that was the deep knowing I viscerally felt.
I followed the science and respective leaders in different spaces to hear what conclusions others were drawing. People I had come to respect over the years. People I would soon see censored. The amount of fact checking and labeling as misinformation and disinformation and thus being censored sounded some alarms.
The questions were raised. What matters? What is truth? Does truth exist? What is the difference between perception and reality?
Does freedom matter? Safety matter? Elections matter? Politics matter? Education, money, food, relationships, health, and governance matter? And in what order? And how should we approach each? These are some of the infinite questions one could ask about what matters in life.
Each human has a unique answers to each of these questions.
Step 1, admitting we have a problem. Time for the collective 12 Step Program.
Welcome to 2020 where shaming and social pressure is real. Where you can get emailed as a micro influencer to say you voted for xyz or post a photo with a mask on for money. Where digital profiles and predictive marketing and analytics shape reality as we know.
How do you know if your thoughts, are your thoughts?
I come back to, what matters, and why?
Systems seem broken. Do we fix, regenerate, create, destroy, let go, accept?
The delusions push reality further down the road. Can we do better. Can I do better? Accept the state of affairs? See everything as is? Take 100% personal responsibility?
What matters.
I have had to look at my relationship with control since covid hit. Clear to me that my “want to know” was driving control tendencies. I came to a new place I had yet to deeply explore. A place of acceptance. A place of not getting to know.
What if I don’t get to know. What if nothing matters. Everything is perfect. Everything is.
What if in this state of allowing creates space for life to be, for all us to be.
For some the thought nothing matters could be dismal and depressing. What if this is the thought of freedom. What if in the thought “nothing matters” brings the freedom to explore what matters to you? Not what is supposed to matter to you. Not what the algorithms, media and tech manipulation is leading you to believe as what matters, what if it comes back to you?
What would that be? How would you live if you weren’t awaiting your next Instagram post or purchase or majorly awaited chaos or trauma. In the attention economy, can you see yourself for a second as the ultimate commodity? Then, for a moment, can you let go of everything that you “think” that matters to reconnect to what truly matters to you?
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Nothing has any meaning but the meaning you give it, as Tony Robbins often shares.
What are you giving meaning and attention to that may no long need your meaning or attention.
Ready to connect deeper to your intuition and life Life Expanded?