this or better

by Linda Andrews

Your desires are closer than you think

Growing up, my dad instilled in me a belief that "everybody loves me." This was a generational belief. He said his mom always told him this and still does. I believe this helped me with confidence in my life. It didn't hit me till adulthood that a possibility existed that not "everyone" loves me. Again, that didn't change much, as the belief is deeply instilled.

I share this not to thank my dad and grandma for such a cool belief but to suggest others that may serve you. I have come to know that "what others think of me is none of my business," as the greats have said.

The following are positive empowering beliefs to adopt. Pick one to try on this week.

1) Something good will happen today. Even writing this I can feel a sparkle in my eye. What a concept. Something good! I am a bit of an optimist and love surprises and scratch offs. I am by no means advocating a lottery habit, but what I am suggesting in that same wonderment of, am I going to win, you can bring into your day. What good will I experience today, I wonder?

2) What is the opportunity in this? If you were to zoom way out of your life, the even shittiest moments are filled with an opportunity. If you are now suffering in something and it's too painful to use that as your example and too hard to see the silver lining, picks something else. Think back. For me, my darkest years were wrapped in anxiety, depressed, over drinking and eating, exercise addiction, when I zoom out I can see that those experiences allowed me the freedom to experience life in the healthier way that I do now and opened the door for a decade + of new friendships, growth opportunities and learning. If you give me the challenging experience, I could give you at least 5 opportunities that could come that would blow your socks off.

3) This of better. I love saying this. When the bummer let down moments happen, in an instant I can repeat to myself, this or better. Recently, I wasn't selected for an opportunity to be a part of a pitch competition. My fiance was bummed for me, I knew, this or better. There was an exact reason why those exact days I wasn't to be in New York and it opened up the door for wonder for me to find myself there weeks later.

Life is happening for you, do you choose to believe that? Happy believing! Ready to live Life Expanded?

