How to Balance Your Energies to Acquire Wealth

In the world of entrepreneurship, acquiring wealth is usually the goal. However, how do we get there? You may have tried everything you can think of, and nothing is quite working. If this is the case, you might want to try out wealth energetics. Read on to find out how this strategy will greatly benefit you and your business.

Get To Know Yourself

The way to bring wealth into your life is by delving into who you are and sharing your gifts with the world. You don’t need to learn anything, you already came into life with the things you are meant to share with the world. You just need to uncover it by clearing out all the stuff that is covering it up, which is conditioning, karmic overlays and everything else that’s dimming your light.

Money Is Energy

We are meant to be conduits for wealth. When wealth comes through us, we enrich the world. Especially women don’t just want to buy fancy toys, they want to contribute to the community. So if that isn’t reason enough to be conduits, what is? Wealth naturally exists in the world; it is the factory setting. However, we get corrupted by other layers of things that separates us from the frequency we’re meant to be at in order to be abundant.

The Two Suitcases

We come into life with two suitcases. One holds our gifts and other goodies we’ve picked up in past lives, and the other one holds our difficulties and karma. We need both so we can extract things from our difficulties to strengthen our gifts. We must take the power back from where we left it. Periods of darkness are necessary in order to activate your light. If you only have light, you’re going to have a very boring life.

Linear Versus Nonlinear

There are two ways to accumulate wealth: linear and nonlinear. Linear is the masculine energy of structure, and nonlinear is the feminine energy of frequency. It’s possible to acquire wealth in one of these ways, but they’re both not sustainable without the other. When you combine the two, wealth will come easily. For nonlinear, it is imperative to do internal work so you can vibrate at a higher frequency. And for linear, it is vital to ground yourself into the 3D world so you can be abundant on this planet.

Grounding and Low Frequency

A lot of spiritual people tend to push away from the 3rd Dimension, claiming they just want to be “love, light and high frequency.” All of these things are good, but without a low frequency, you can not accumulate wealth. And low frequency does not mean messy and chaotic energy. Think of a low gong sound that is very healing and good for the body; so is low frequency energy for a business. We already have everything within us to open up abundance, but we’ve been conditioned to not see that. A big contributor to that mindset is religion and how it focuses on telling us to raise our frequency and be better. Some of us are already sensitive and aware enough, so we do not need to activate higher chakras and higher frequency. Instead, we should focus on grounding in the here and now so that we can be abundant in this 3D plane.

We at Lila Life hope this article has served you well. It is a difficult road being an entrepreneur, but as we all know, it is worth the ride. Hopefully you have gained insight into how you can utilize energy to help you in your path to acquiring the wealth you desire. You can check out the related podcast here. We are always here to help you along the way. Love and light to you on your journey. Blessings ✨

